The effects of global warming are catastrophic as-is and are expected to get worse over time. But we believe that people can still do something to save ourselves from climate change. Though some people are fatalistic about what good we can really do, research published in Environmental Research Letters shows that even the easiest changes can help the environment can go a long way -- a lot further than we think. It also showed that changes we think will help the environment don't actually make it that far when it comes to the impact made. For example, did you know that replacing a simple beef meal every week with a meal of beans saves the same amount of emissions as the emissions saved from not burning 38 gallons of gas? Not taking a single roundtrip transatlantic plane flight can be at least 10 times more impactful towards helping the environment than installing LED light bulbs in your home for a year! And eating vegetarian is better for the environment than replacing your typical car with a hybrid one.​
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